Subtraction by Addition

Subtraction by Addition

Picture this: your mind is like a room jam-packed with all sorts of junk – anxiety lurking in the shadows, worries stacked like a game of Jenga ready to topple, and stress hanging in the air like a heavy fog. It’s a chaotic mess, right? You’ve tried the...
EVEN THOUGH: Embracing Weakness

EVEN THOUGH: Embracing Weakness

In the journey of faith, there comes a point where we question whether our imperfections disqualify us from being used by God. This sentiment often stems from personal struggles, guilt, physical quirks, or simply feeling inadequate compared to others. Yet, the truth...
5 Ways to Embrace a Global Care Mindset

5 Ways to Embrace a Global Care Mindset

We’ve been called to serve the world. It’s hard to do that when we’re focused on our backyards. Here are 5 different ways to embrace a global care mindset. Establish a Daily Global Prayer Routine: Intentionally take some time to regularly pray for...
Bear Much Fruit

Bear Much Fruit

Embracing the Mission Means Bearing Much Fruit The month of March is Missions Month here at NVC. We spend it wearing international garb, eating interesting food, highlighting different mission projects, and raising awareness for serving around the world. It’s...
3 Lessons We Can Learn From Light

3 Lessons We Can Learn From Light

The Sound of Light Did you know that lightning doesn’t make a sound? The sound of thunder comes from the surrounding area being displaced by lightning. The sound is essentially chasing after the lightning. Reflecting on this, our sounds should be chasing after the...
Big Shoes to Fill

Big Shoes to Fill

Have you ever seen a child try on their parent’s shoes? It’s a comical sight, isn’t it? Their little feet shuffling around in oversized footwear, trying to imitate the ones they look up to. It’s not unlike our journey of walking in love as...