If you want to grow in endurance, patience, and perseverance, it’s essential to accept what can and can’t be changed. This principle may seem simple, but it can be challenging to put into practice. It requires a deep understanding of oneself and a strong relationship with God.

As humans, we all have aspects of ourselves or our personalities that we consider undesirable. While we might wish to change them, there are things we must accept as they are—the way God made us. In the story of Moses, God called him to speak to the people, but Moses doubted himself due to fear or a stuttering problem. Sometimes we may feel inadequate when faced with challenging tasks. However, God reminded Moses that He made him the way he is.

Today, God may be saying the same thing to us: stop complaining about how He made you! Cease comparing yourself to others because the true comparison is between who you are and who God wants you to be. Accept what you can and can’t change.

In today’s society, there is an overwhelming desire for change. People long to change everything about themselves. However, it is God who brings about true change, and we should accept that some things cannot and should not be changed.

There are certain aspects of our lives that we have no control over—things we must endure. One of those inevitable things is aging. While it may not be something we desire or welcome, it is a part of life. Rather than resisting aging or other unchangeable circumstances, let us embrace them!

If you find yourself in a difficult season or facing an unchangeable situation, give it to God! Let God use it or fix it for His glory, so hold on tight and endure! Keep doing what you know is right because life isn’t fair for anyone. We must navigate what can and cannot be changed while relying on the unchangeable nature of God.

God doesn’t change; He is immutable, remaining the same yesterday, today, and forever. However, God can change us through hardships and suffering. We must continue in faith, knowing that God can work with what we cannot undo or redo.

We cannot always fix everything; some things we simply have to endure. Instead of trying to fix others, we should allow God to work on us. Sometimes the problem resolves itself when we focus on our own transformation.

In 2 Corinthians 12:8-10, Paul speaks of a thorn in his flesh—something he begged God to take away. But God reminded him that His grace is sufficient, and His power is made perfect in weakness. Paul learned to boast in his weaknesses because it allowed the power of Christ to work through him.

As Christians, we should expect hardships and persecution; we must be prepared to endure and hold on a little longer, knowing that these trials will eventually come to an end.

Accepting what can and can’t be changed requires humility—it can be challenging to admit that there are things beyond our control. However, once you accept this truth and trust in God’s plan for your life, you’ll find peace even amidst chaos or difficulty.

Endurance isn’t about gritting your teeth and toughing it out—it’s about having faith that everything will work out according to God’s plan, even if you don’t understand how or why right now.

So embrace what you cannot change—accept it as part of your story—and trust that endurance will bring growth, perseverance, patience, and wisdom. These qualities are essential for a well-lived life!